Scout Master


Mr. Odis V. Luper III

Welcome! Troop 605 is located in Denison, Texas. We meet every Monday evening at Waples Memorial United Methodist Church, Scout Hut. Troop 605 is a boy-led troop with over 500 Eagle scouts since 1913. Odis Luper has been the troop Scoutmaster for over 25 years and has created an incredible program for hundreds of scouts over the years. Today, there are over 30 boys and 10 ASMs registered with the troop. 

We are focused on developing scouts to be strong leaders with upstanding moral character and values. We teach Scouts to value the scout oath and law, tradition, leadership, opportunity, adventure, the environment, and each other. 

At Troop 605, our goal is to be the most awesome boy scout troop in The Circle Ten Council and America. “Troop 605, best ALIVE.”